Thursday, January 21, 2010

St. Damien Hospital

Here is a link to a news story done on the hospital Cece and the rest of the crew are going to:

Haiti Earthquake: Doctors Fight to Save Children - ABC News

I also found another site with photos from the hospital, showing the pain and devastation that has affected everyone.

Pray for Cece.
Pray for Haiti.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Cece, John and Kathy,

Sorry we didn't respond sooner. Everything here at St. Damiens Hospital is going well. Danielle, Tiffany and I have been predominately on the night shift here, but have also gone out into the community with some of the doctors here to help see patients in the makeshift clinics. We have been working in post-op both adult and pediatric, post-partum, and the ED. Pretty much wherever they have needed a helping hand we have gone. The patient population here was a equal mixture of both adults and children, but as the days have gone by and the hospital begins to return to normal, there is an larger increase in children we are seeing. This is quite a learning experince for us as our specialties back home all revolve around adults. We have each had moments of sorrow and happiness, as we have seen lives saved and unfotunately lives lost. However we are all of the mindset that if we can bring some happiness or relief to at least one patient each day than it is all worthwhile. Most importantly we are all in awe of the perservernace and strength we have witnessed by the Haitian people during this tragedy. They are OUR heros. Stay safe and God Bless!

Ashley Scott, Danielle Thompson, Tiffany Hamilton