Saturday, January 30, 2010

More pictures, and aftershock info

So I've been trying to add more images to my blog, and all I can read in the m-essage field is gobbledygook. But when I posted the blog, I see that the pics are there. So, by way of explanation, here is some of what you will see below (since now I'm back editing the message field and can't see the photos I've posted):

There is, indeed, beer here in Haiti. These cost us $7 each the first night we were her (we thought they were free; they had to chase us down to pay the tab when we left the restauruant).

The second photo is from the tour of the hospital on the day we arrived. I'll try to add more photos later.

I'll take my current difficulty with blogging as a message that I should go and sit by the pool a while. With my water.

But first, a brief word about aftershocks: We have had very few since I've been here in Port-au-Prince. Maybe 4 or 5, all of them mild. Word rom the countryside is quite different, though; they have more frequent and stronger aftershocks. It will be OK with me if I don't experience an earthquake again. Ever.

It's now 1:03 PM and the electricity has just shut off. Time to take a break.

Love you all
and please,
Pray for Haiti.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Aftershocks are a bit different than an earthquake. Short, brief and not severe...though make your heart stop if you have been in 'the big one'. You don't want to experience the Big One...

Glad you are safe and not in areas where the buildings would easily collapse. That *shifting* post-aftershock is what worries me the most for you. :)

PS-Tell IMF to cough up the beer money! You all are worth it!!
