Here I am, in front of the medicine cupboard in the clinic at Bolosse. Left to right: an unknown volunteer; Samuel Abela, whose wife sustained a pelvic fracture in the earthquake; Nurse Johane; me; Nurse Yolande; Nurse Magda; Nurse Marte; and Ramones, a translator who came to the clinic that day. This was on the first official clinic day. (Brian and I had a brief, chaotic clinic the day before in a much less desirable location. That story is best told over a cold beer.)

This is Brian, the doc who worked with me in establishing the clinic at Bolosse, seeing patients on our first day. On the left, in the baseball hat, is my translator, Shiloh.

This type of bus is commonly used for public transportation in Bolosse and Port-au-Prince. This particular bus was parked on a side street in Bolosse when the earthquake struck. The ten people who were sitting on the curb behind it were all killed. Across the street was a small, private medical clinic. It, too, was destroyed, and the physician killed.

Here's John Z. talking with Dr. Henry Hood. Henry is an orthopodfrom Columbus, OH with lots of disaster and relief experience. He's on the board of IMC. Coincidentally, Henry is from Washington, PA (where I went to nursing school) and a few years ago he had his fem-pop bypass (vascular surgery) at AGH by Dr. Dan Benckart. Henry is one cool dude.
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